8 Surprising Benefits Of Blood Orange Essential Oil

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Wade Alexander By Wade Alexander | Editor

Benefits Of Blood Orange Essential Oil

The uses and benefits of blood orange essential oil are many, just like any other essential oil. It is used for treating some health conditions without any adverse side effects and with great success. Blood orange essential oil offers numerous amazing health benefits, which makes it an integral component of natural treatments.

Blood orange essential oil has a wide variety of medicinal, industrial, and domestic uses. Industrially, it is used in wrinkle-lifting and anti-aging applications, body lotions, soaps, creams, deodorants, sprays, room fresheners, as a concentrate for soft beverages, confectionery, chocolates, biscuits, and bakery items. Domestically, it is used for adding orange flavor to sweetmeats, desserts, and drinks. It is obtained through cold compression of orange peels.

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1It Helps Improve Sleep Quality

The need for sleep is one of the things that unifies human beings. Some people are night owls, while others are morning people, but rest is a requirement for every human body, and it comes in the form of sleep. Unfortunately, the fast-paced, stress-filled, technology-driven modern world sometimes makes it hard to achieve proper rest.

Studies reveal that a majority of adults require between seven and nine hours of rest to function properly. It can be achieved through a short sleep pattern supplemented with naps or a single bout of sleep. Sleep can be quite tricky and affects different people differently. Your natural habits and circadian rhythms form the basis of your sleep. The essential oil of blood orange acts as a natural sleep aid due to its relaxing properties.

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2It Provides Relief For Flatulence

Gas can be an incredibly painful experience. It can be a result of several things. Some people's bodies tend to produce more gas than others. Some foods also cause more gas than others.

The essential oil of blood orange helps to remove excess gas that forms in the intestine, then tends to push upwards, causing trouble and discomfort. Gas moves up since it is light. The air pushes on the organs, which causes indigestion, chest pain, and discomfort.

 blood orange oil benefits

3It Treats Anxiety And Reduces Stress

Closely guarded due to its uplifting qualities, the use of blood orange essential oils calms the nervous system and helps reduce stress. Its aroma enhances the mood, eases the mind, and literally places happy thoughts in your mind. The oil is used to treat anxiety due to these properties.

It is highly recommended to smell a couple of drops of blood orange essential oil to feel rested from stress-related symptoms. One of the most popular and safest alternative therapies for dealing with stress is aromatherapy. Inhalation of the vibrant and gentle scents leads to the responses required without any side effects related to using pharmaceutical medications.

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4It Kills Germs And Bacteria

The essential oils of blood orange can be used as an excellent disinfectant for wounds. It is a germ killer that's all-natural. Essential oils (in particular citrus-based oils) are incredibly potent antimicrobials.

Applying citrus-based essential oils around wounds can help prevent bacterial infections and other types of diseases. It is this property that makes them suitable for dealing with a sore throat and mouth ulcers. Ensure that you use the essential oil of blood orange for killing bacteria.

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5It Gets Rid Of Unwanted Odors

The smell of oranges can be quite refreshing. It gets rid of most odors. The essential oil of blood orange can be used for getting rid of unwanted odors around your house, including smelly shoes, pet odors, and carpet odors.

Refresh the air as you vacuum by adding several drops of the essential oil of blood orange in your vacuum's bag. You can also cloak a cotton ball in the oil and then keep it in your bathroom for a refreshing smell. To make a fantastic air freshener spray, add several drops to a spray bottle filled with water.

 blood orange oil benefits

6It Promotes The Discharge Of Bile

The essential oil of blood orange promotes secretions from all relevant glands, including the endocrine and exocrine. It is thus used often for promoting lactation, menstruation, bile, enzymes, hormones, and digestive juices. This property is important for women experiencing problems with their production of breast milk.

The essential oil of blood orange promotes the discharge of bile into the stomach, which helps maintain the acid-base balance. Bile is used for breaking down the complex food molecules as well as neutralizing excess acids discharged into the stomach, which is quite critical because excess acid can wear down the stomach's inner lining, thereby causing ulcers. People suffering from digestive problems can benefit greatly from the use of blood orange essential oil.

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7It Relieves Inflammation And Pain

Blood orange essential oil provides quick, effective relief from inflammation, whether external or internal. Whatever the reason, be it injections, fever, the excessive intake of spices, narcotics, gas, a side effect of antibiotics, or indigestion of toxic substances, the essential oil of blood orange can reduce the irritation and pain. Blood orange essential oils can be an effective remedy for relieving inflammation.

People suffering from joint and knee pain can use blood orange essential oil to get relief. Joint pain is mostly due to inflammation in the joints. Blood orange essential oils help stop it.

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8It Treats And Prevents Depression

The smell of the essential oils of blood orange reminds you of happy moments. It brings pleasant thoughts to your mind. This is why it is frequently used in aromatherapy.

It creates a relaxed and happy feeling. It can help lift your mood, which makes it suitable for those that suffer from chronic anxiety or depression. Research suggests that blood orange essential oil helps lower the pulse rate and salivary cortisol caused by anxiety in children.

 blood orange oil benefits

Unlike what you might expect, blood orange essential oil is made using the peels and not the fruit itself. Peel several oranges, allow the peels to dry, then grind them up. Next, bring some grain alcohol to a warm temperature on your stove. Pour the warm grain alcohol over the ground peels, shake the mix, then let it sit for two to three days, and then strain the mix, and your blood orange essential oil will be ready.

If you are not up to the task of preparing your own, you can buy some blood orange essential oil from most whole food and natural health stores that sell other essential oils. However, it is unlikely that you will find the essential oil of blood orange in any major retail store in the west. Since blood orange essential oil is used in aromatherapy, you can buy it from aromatherapists and herbalists. Fortunately, it is an inexpensive but highly effective essential oil.

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  •  benefits of blood orange oil for your skin
  •  what is blood orange oil used for
  •  what is blood orange oil used for
  •  benefits of blood orange oil for your skin
  •  blood orange oil benefits